Get Everywhere Easily With a SpotHero-Like Parking App Development!


Imagine all dressed up and driving to a happening shopping mall for a spree. Beating the traffic and finally reaching the place after a lot of hustle, how will you react when you get to know that there’s no parking space? 

Are you getting flashbacks? We totally get it! 

It is a buzzkill, isn’t it? Not to forget mentioning, everyone’s desperately looking out for a solution! 

Well, the future is here! 

While drivers spend a lot of time figuring out the right parking spot, platforms like the SpotHero app provide a digital parking reservation solution. 

So cool, right? 

Do you want to learn more about the exceptional functionality offered by an app like SpotHero, and how it costs to develop an app similar to the same? Indeed, you’re in for a treat! 

Introduction to Digital Parking Reservation App

What is SpotHero?

Sure, you know that SpotHero is a parking reservation app; however, this is not it!

It is also an inventory service provider that operates via its on-demand mobile apps and website. In addition, the company has partnered with a number of garage owners and valets to enable customers to find the right parking spots in the US. 

We think it’s a flawless initiative. Why? 

Because using apps like SpotHero will keep drivers from circling around the city, reducing pollution and congestion.

Issues Fixed by SpotHero

Sure, congestion and pollution are two primary things being taken care of with the help of parking apps like SpotHero. 

However, we encounter many more parking-related issues in our daily lives. What are they? 

Continue reading to know more: 

1. Locating Accurate Parking Space

SpotHero is known for saving the day for commuters who are late for the office. 

Yes, it’s true!

The app navigates people to the nearest vacant parking space in case they are out of sight. 

2. Unavailability of Parking Lots

As discussed before, lurking out and finding a parking spot is not the solution as it only causes increased traffic and roadblocks. 

Not anymore!

SpotHero has partnered with garage owners to rent their property as a parking lot. 

3. No More Parking Expenses

Due to the shortage of parking spaces, people are forced to opt for paid parking, which may be expensive. Fortunately, things changed for good after SpotHero crawled into the picture! 

Not only the app directs its users to the right parking spaces, but it also allows them to land discounts and deals on the basis of a monthly subscription. 

Features That Make SpotHero a Success

While you must not compromise working on some of the basic MVP features, here are some of the advanced features that a parking facility app like SpotHero offers:

1. Price Comparison

How about finding a cheap spot for parking with the help of an app than acquiring the services of an  expensive valet? 

Well, SpotHero makes it easier for its customers by incorporating a ‘price comparison’ feature that enables users to compare the prices and locate the cheapest parking spot. 

2. Location Options

If you’re looking forward to building an app like SpotHero, it is vital to enable them to access your services in multiple cities. Therefore, allow them to scroll and find the location they are looking for a parking spot. 

3. Updates on Waiting

It is equally important for a car parking app like SpotHero to present a waiting time to the users. For instance, multiple drivers want to book the same parking spot. Thus, all they need is a waiting list from which they’ll be able to figure out the free slot. 

4. Live-Updates on Traffic

With a feature that provides live updates on traffic, app users are able to learn about the busiest routes so they can avoid the same. 

The Cost of Developing a Parking App Like SpotHero

Unfortunately, it isn’t feasible to provide a figure that defines the mobile app development cost. Thus, there are multiple factors that impact or influence the budget.

What are these factors? Have a look! 

1. Backend and frontend development

There are two primary options to choose from: Monolithic or Microservices. While the former is a little cheaper than the latter, microservices are also popular for being highly competent. 

Therefore, the cost of app development depends on the framework that you choose to work with. 

2. App-specific requirements

Developing an on-demand mobile app costs more than building other apps like social media


Because most of the on-demand apps demand the integration of features for three panels. For instance, user, admin, and driver panels are to be emphasized in the case of a parking app. 

3. Platform choice

While many startups prefer developing apps for either Android or iOS, others might prefer both of them, which eventually adds to the cost.

4. Developer’s Cost

The cost of app development also fluctuates with the developer’s cost based on factors like the team’s experience, location, and more.

Parting Words!

How to develop an app that works as a money magnet? 

Indeed, it’ll take your flawless app idea and the developer’s tremendous experience to build an applaud-worthy app.

So, how about a consultation with the best app development company?

Although there are numerous parking apps in the market, you must emphasize amalgamating uniqueness to your app, making it a huge success. 

Get, Set, Go!