Local business: 9 Tips to Increase Your Sales

Tips to Increase Your Sales

1- The “Click and collect”

“Click and collect” is an in-store recovery system for products purchased online, free of postage, and available on-site within a few hours. A good reason to entice the customer to come to your store, and that’s where things start! 

! Once the client is there, serious things begin! Pay attention to your welcome and the presentation of your products to make customers want to complete their basket.

Make a good impression!

– Do not hesitate to present the specialties of the house

– Let them browse your store to discover

– Make them wait smart in your shop

2- Booking an appointment online

This mainly concerns service companies (hairdressers, beauty salons, etc.). When making an appointment online, the customer fills in their contact details. It also allows you to manage the flow of your business better. Thanks to the collection of information, you will be able to keep in touch with this person before and after the service. You will be able to offer him new offers, encourage loyalty actions, send him your newsletter and integrate him into your customer database.

3- Geolocated advertising, a real lever to increase your traffic

75% of people have a smartphone, and this rate of equipment rises to 98% among 18-24 year olds. During an AdWords-type advertising campaign, you will need to fill in a few criteria (the catchment area, the age, and gender of your targets, etc.) to reach the right customer target within the chosen perimeter. Then integrate all your advertising actions into your marketing plan.

Your mobile strategy must be considered even if all excuses are good to communicate with your customers and encourage them to come to the store: 

  • customer’s birthday, 
  • private sale for the most faithful,  
  • presentation of a new product via a QR code,  
  • news and content for the customer,
  • time-limited promotional code,  
  • the arrival of a customer package,  
  • shop redesign,  
  • the sponsored link that leads to your website, etc. 

4- The use of digital tools

A Majority of businesses are changing their strategy by turning to digital to maintain or develop their activities. There are many advantages to digitizing your business. 

You can sell by with a website, an Instagram store, a Facebook store, or on a marketplace. Social networks have become indispensable today.

Today, growing a business, in general, is done online and offline. In a local business, the main strength is people and your know-how; this must be reflected in all your communication actions. Find events, services, or types of entertainment that best suit your business. Feel free to test your ideas, measure the impact of your efforts and develop your way of communicating. You can also hire a SEO Sydney firm to help you with this.

5- The organization of events

Through the organization of an event, your business will be known, presenting your products, creating traffic, and increasing your sales. Several formats exist; some can be: 

  • recurrent (over a few hours or half a day) in the form of workshops, tutorials, and demonstrations;  
  • or occasional events such as an inauguration, an open day, etc.

Of course, objectives must be established at each event to measure the performance of the operation.

6- Waiting time management

More than 75% of people say they will give up on a purchase if the wait at the checkout is too long. Turn this brake into a pleasant moment by: 

  • hiring sufficient staff on busy days,
  • offering distraction during the waiting time (samples, visuals, tests, catalogs, documentation, etc.),
  • adopting a single queue to better dispatch customers and avoid possible frustrations,
  • Facilitating the conditions for returning goods to streamline waiting at the checkout

7- A pleasant sales area

  • Don’t overload shelves.
  • Take care of the lighting in your shop.
  • Encourage discovery by using the customer’s five senses (sensory marketing): test products available, promotion of scented products, possible tasting, and background music, etc.

Be consistent between the positioning of your website and your physical store.

8- Make a good impression

The window is the first impression you give to your customers. Make a good impression so that the customer crosses the entrance to your store by:  

  • giving an overview of your products or services as well as the prices applied,  
  • highlighting promotional offers, sales, an event, etc.,  
  • displaying a humorous, captivating presentation of your products if space permits.

Marketing operations must be identified upstream to avoid last-minute organizational rushes that are often unmanageable.

9- A TOP customer service!

A smile, sympathy, and kindness, even at the end of the day, help increase your sales and bring your customers back. This may seem obvious or excessive, but it is the basis of any commercial approach: creating a relationship. Make the customer experience pleasant as soon as you enter your business and train all your employees to welcome customers: your customer must remain your priority.