How End-of-Lease Cleaning Service Help to Get Your Bond Back

End of lease cleaning Adelaide

Have you ever wondered why the bond on your rental property is so high and how to keep it that way? Well, I’ve got good news for you. The answer is simple: regular end-of-lease cleaning service. You see, if a property has been left in poor condition by the tenant, then this can result in an increase in the bond amount required by landlords. This means that unless you get professional help from an End of lease cleaning Adelaide company, then you’re going to have to pay more money out of your own pocket when returning your property!

They Work Around Your Schedule

One of the greatest benefits of a professional End of lease cleaning Adelaide service is that they can work around your schedule. They understand that you may have other commitments, so they will be flexible with their schedule to ensure they don’t interfere with your daytime or evening plans. If there’s something special going on in your life, such as an important meeting or job interview, don’t hesitate to tell them!

In addition to working around your needs, this type of company will also let you choose when they start and finish their work—and even what day and time these events occur. This gives you complete control over when everything takes place so that it fits into your daily routine without any problems whatsoever.

You Will Receive Detailed Cleaning

When you hire a professional end-of-lease cleaning service, they will ensure that every inch of your property is spotless. They will clean the following areas:

  • All surfaces, corners and crevices
  • All appliances
  • Areas that are hard to reach, like ceilings, skirting boards and window sills

Maintains the Sanitisation Standard 

The sanitisation standard is a set of guidelines that you need to follow to maintain hygiene and cleanliness at your home. Cleaning companies must meet the standards in order to get their bond back. If they fail to do so, then they will not be able to claim back their bond money from the landlord or real estate agent.

 End of lease cleaning Adelaide

There are three main ways for property managers and landlords to check whether a cleaning company has met these standards—or not:

  • Have them fill out an application form (including questions about their staff training), which should be sent through before work commences
  • Take photos at various stages of the cleaning process (including photos of each room after it has been cleaned)
  • Send someone along with you onsite throughout your tenancy period.

Help Save Time And Energy

When you choose to use a Professional business End of lease cleaning Adelaide service, you can save time and energy. You will not have to worry about scrubbing the walls or removing stains from carpets. The experts at our company are fully equipped with all the tools needed to thoroughly clean your property in no time. You will also be able to save money while we do this because they won’t waste their time going over every inch of your home when it is unnecessary.

Because we are professionals with years of experience in the field, we know how important it is for you to get your bond back at the end of your lease agreement! With our help, you can relax knowing that everything will be done professionally and on time, so there isn’t any reason why anyone would reject returning your deposit money.


If you need a bond back, you should consider hiring a professional end of lease cleaning service. These professionals will help to get your bond back and make sure that your rental property is in great condition.