What Do People With Asthma Must Know About Covid-19, Flus, and Colds This Winter

What Do People With Asthma Must Know About Covid-19, Flus, and Colds This Winter

The effects on COVID-19’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has affected everyone. Fortunately, asthma sufferers aren’t as affected with fewer cases overall and a lesser percentage of people suffering from COVID-19 than individuals with asthma. Although this is a good situation, it’s vital not to get too comfortable when we get into winter.

As for people suffering from asthma, there are various respiratory viruses that trigger symptoms and severe complications. We’ve seen this during COVID-19 respiratory infections, they are manageable with proper behavior and the right decisions.

  • Maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle
  • Cleanse your hands frequently, especially when you are in public or public areas.
  • Take the recommended flu vaccination this time of year.
  • Maintain a current documented Asthma Action Plan
  • Make sure you take your preventer medication according to the directions even if you’re not feeling well.
  • Make sure you have enough medication available at your home
  • Be sure to stay at home if are feeling unwell
  • Use the physical distancing technique and limiting gatherings suggested by the Department of Health

Collective Colds Common, Influenza And Asthma

Asthma Australia Senior Education Specialist Gemma Crawley says respiratory viruses are a big influence on the airways in people who suffer from asthma.

They can cause more redness and irritation of airways, which are sensitive.

“A typical cold or the winter flu may result in more severe asthma-related symptoms or flare-ups that could result in an appointment to the emergency department of a hospital,” she says.

“People who suffer from asthma should take extra care to prevent becoming sick this winter. This can be done by having an asthma assessment with their doctor, examining the best options for preventing asthma as well as practicing good hygiene and also getting the seasonal flu vaccination.”

The prevention of colds, flu, and other viruses – which could help keep asthma-related symptoms at bay – is the best choice. We have not previously spoken about viruses and colds as being preventable, but our experience with COVID-19 has provided us with another message.

Hygiene standards are high and recent efforts to physically distance the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) have proved to be effective in reducing the spread.

This means that you wash your hands with a thorough wash in 20-second intervals, and avoid spreading by coughing or getting your elbow sneezed into or on a tissue, or being at home when you feel unwell which is a routine we’re well aware of after months of physical separation and isolation. Each has the potential of reducing the spread of the winter respiratory virus.

It is highly recommended to get the seasonal flu vaccine. It is possible that you are qualified to receive it under the National Immunisation Program Schedule however, it’s only a small cost to decrease your risk of developing serious illness due to the flu.

In addition, keeping an up-to-date documented Asthma Action Plan that includes the correct preventer and reliever medications is essential.

If you believe your Written Asthma Action Plan needs review or you don’t have one this is the perfect time to get it reviewed as it could lead to improved asthma control.

What Times Do You Need Health Care

If you experience symptoms of cough, fever or shortness of breath, and/or fatigue, it is suggested to see your GP. Contact ahead and discuss your symptoms in open and openly with your physician. They’ll protect you and examine your health condition as needed.

The majority of the time, the symptoms you experience are caused by the common cold. The majority of these illnesses are treated at home. There are times when you will suffer from asthma-related symptoms that are sudden. In such cases, adhere to the guidelines in the written Asthma Action Plan and use your relief medication to manage your asthma symptoms.

See the table below to see the symptoms of COVID, flu, and the common cold here.

Current information on COVID-19 and asthma in Australia can be found on this. The COVID-19 general information is available on this website.