How to Write Email Subject Lines that Get Opened

How to Write Email Subject Lines that Get Opened

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Have you ever sent an email and wondered why nobody ever responded? Or, even worse, why are people continuously unsubscribing from your list?

Isn’t that frustrating? You’ve spent hours, if not days, composing the perfect email. And you agonize over every word for its content only to have it ignored.

The sad reality is that people are bombarded with emails every day. However, they don’t have time to go through all of their emails and read each one. People automatically search their inboxes for subject lines that grab their curiosity. If your subject line doesn’t stand out, you can bet your email will be deleted or sent straight to spam.

The email subject line of an email serves as the very first impression. It’s like a headline for a news article or blog post – It needs to be enticing and make people want to learn more. So, if you want people to actually open and read your emails and not hit that unsubscribe button, then you need to know how to write compelling email subject lines.

Tips on Writing Email Subject Line 

Keep it short and direct.

People’s attention spans are getting extremely short. When you send an email, You don’t want your email to get lost in the shuffle, so you must write email subject lines that are brief and concise. It is best to keep it under 50 characters to fit on the preview pane. 

Here are some examples:

– “A quick favor.”

– “Can you help me out?”

– “Here’s what’s new this week.”

While these examples are short, they still pack a punch and make recipients want to open the email to learn more.

Insert power words.

Power words elicit an emotional response. They can make people feel thrilled, pleased, or even afraid. When people sense something, they have a higher tendency to act on it. So inserting these power words into the email subject line will likely grab people’s attention and encourage recipients to discover more. 

Try using these power words in action:

– “This will change the way you think about fashion shoes.”

– “Incredible deals on summer vacation packages.”

– Save money with this exclusive offer.”

Use power words sparingly. They will lose their impact and become less effective if you use them too frequently.

Add numbers and statistics.

Numbers and statistics are another great way to grab people’s attention. They stand out and make recipients want to know more. Put the number or statistic at the beginning of your email subject line to catch people’s attention.

Consider using these: 

– “55% off your first purchase”

– “$100 gift card inside.”

– “Over 50,000 happy customers.”

These number-based email subject lines are hard to ignore. Additionally, they’re a terrific way to give recipients a preview of what they’ll discover inside. 

Put in rich keywords.

People search through their inboxes for emails that are relevant to them. You can make your email stand out by using rich keywords that accurately describe what’s inside. This way, when people see your email, they’ll know right away if it’s something that interests them.

Copy these examples: 

– “For bird lovers.”

– “How to get over your ex.”

– “Your daily horoscope for today.”

Use keywords specific to your niche or industry to attract people interested in your words and content. 

Make use of urgency

Making your email urgent is a terrific technique to persuade people to open it. When people feel they need to act fast and make recipients want to open the email right away.

Here are some examples:

– “Hurry, the offer ends soon!”

– “Today only: 50% off”

– “Last chance!”

Prove the urgency by including a countdown timer or an expiration date in your email subject line. This way, recipients will know that they need to act fast.


When you personalize your subject line, you’re more likely to grab people’s attention and get them to read your email. They also help build trust and credibility.

Here are some examples:

– “John, we need to talk”

– “Hey Sarah, how’s it going?”

– “Your order is on its way.”

Another great way to use personalization in your email subject lines is emojis. Emojis are an ideal way to personalize your emails and can make your email stand out in a cluttered inbox.

Here are some examples of email subject lines that use emojis:

– 🎉 You’re invited! 🎉

– 🚨 New product alert! 🚨

– 😱 Last chance! 😱

Personalization and emoticons in email subject lines might help you raise open rates. It’s a great approach to infuse personality and make your emails more relatable.

Key Takeaway

The only way to know what works best for your audience is to test different email subject lines. Try out different combinations of the tips above and see which ones get the most open. Then, put to use those that are most beneficial for your business. 

The subject line of an email is just one piece of the puzzle. The content and call-to-action inside the email are just as important, if not more. Also, don’t forget to nurture your email list by providing valuable content, running email campaigns frequently, and keeping your list clean. All of these will boost your open rate.

Now that you know how to write email subject lines that get opened put these tips into practice and see how it goes!