A Detailed Guide About Whole House Humidifiers With Description

Whole House Humidifier

Humidifiers for whole homes seem to be a source of many questions. For example, are humidifiers effective? Is there a difference between a humidifier and an air purifier? Even with a surveillance system installed, Canadians still have many unanswered questions. Check out some of the more common questions about whole-house humidifiers, whether you’re just curious or you own one yourself.

Types of Humidifiers 

Unlike portable humidifiers, Whole House humidifiers add humidity throughout the entire home, not just one area. Canadians rely on three main central humidifiers: drums, flow-through humidifiers, and steam humidifiers.

1. The Drum Humidifiers

A motor and rotating belt power essential whole-house humidifiers. Using this system, the belt is rotated through a small water tray; then, the water evaporates off the belt into the air and your return air ducts. Moisture-laden air is then circulated throughout your home. These humidifiers are pretty simple and not particularly precise. Despite being the cheapest humidifier out of the three, it requires frequent maintenance.

2. The Flow-Through Humidifiers

A flow-through humidifier disperses moisture into your home with the aid of an evaporator pad. To keep the residence moist, a stream of water continuously passes through it. Water in the return air duct is then evaporated and spread throughout the home, just as it is with the drum humidifier. It is a high-efficiency humidifier that requires less maintenance.

3. The Steam Humidifiers

The steam humidifier is the most accurate and efficient of the three humidifiers. Water is heated and vaporized by the electric current produced by this humidifier. By doing this, moisture-heavy air is created circulated through the house, balancing indoor humidity. This product is more expensive but requires little maintenance.

How to Know if you need a whole-house humidifier?

Read more: An Ultimate Guide About Air Conditioning Installation With Details

A low humidity level can cause all sorts of problems, both for your health and your home’s air quality. Essentially, low humidity is simply dry air, a lack of moisture. It is most common during cold weather. When the air is dry, the skin is too. Your home has low humidity if your wrists and scalp are always itchy and flaky during the winter. Colds and sinus infections (and other health issues) aren’t only spread by snotty nose kids but also by dry air. Your body’s natural defense against airborne diseases will be strengthened when you run humidifiers to keep your throat and nasal passages moisturized.

However, you might want to add a whole-house humidifier, often known as a central humidifier, to your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system if the problems are more pervasive and persistent. These appliances can assist control the humidity levels throughout the year by continuously supplying moisture to every room in your home.

Do your doors and floors creak? Maybe there isn’t enough humidity in the air. Dry air in the room shrinks and warps everything wood, from floorboards to furniture. You will need a hygrometer if you want to check the humidity levels in your home before catching a cold, getting itchy skin, or suffering static shocks. Using a hygrometer, you can measure how humid a room is.

Purposes of a whole house humidifier

On the other hand, a whole-house humidifier is installed directly into your heating and cooling system. Water vapor is introduced into your ductwork as humidity at the source. Precisely like the temperature, the humidity level is monitored and controlled by your thermostat so that your house is kept at a constant level of moisture throughout the year. You can reap many benefits from installing a whole-house humidifier in your home:

1. Medical care

Viral strains thrive in low-humidity environments, which can increase your risk of catching the flu, cold, and other respiratory ailments. In addition, an overly dry environment can make you more prone to infection. You can reduce the incidence of all these diseases by increasing humidity in your home.

2. The Comfort

Too dry air can aggravate asthma and allergy symptoms and cause itchy skin, sore throats, and dry noses. Not to mention those shocking and painful shocks from static electricity.

3. Protection

Dry air can damage many things in a home, including wood floors, plaster, paint, furniture, artwork, electronics, and musical instruments. Therefore, your home and its contents are protected from the adverse effects of dry air with a whole-house humidifier.

4. High energy efficiency

Even though turning up the thermostat will raise the temperature in your home, it won’t necessarily make you feel warmer. You can feel warmer at lower temperatures if you install a whole-house humidifier. According to the EPA, lowering your thermostat can save you up to 4% on your heating bill. A home’s humidity can be controlled to qualify for Green-Built Certification, a program run by the National Association of Home Builders.

A whole-house humidifier can be installed in either a new or existing heating/cooling system. Controlled-humidity systems are available even for radiant or baseboard heat homes so that every home can benefit from controlled humidity.

Does your humidifier filter need to be changed?

Absolutely! Every year, you should clean or replace the humidifier filter in your entire home. A dirty humidifier pad will increase your electric bill while preventing moisture from entering your home.

Advantages of Whole House Humidifiers

Improved Health: A well-maintained humidity level in the air can help alleviate symptoms of dry skin, nasal congestion, and throat irritation.
Protection of Furniture and Woodwork: Excess dry air can cause cracking, splitting, and warping of wooden furniture and trim, but a whole-house humidifier can prevent these issues.
Energy Savings: By maintaining a comfortable humidity level, a whole-house humidifier can make you feel more comfortable at a lower thermostat setting, potentially reducing your heating costs.

Disadvantages of Whole House Humidifiers

Maintenance: Whole-house humidifiers require regular cleaning and maintenance to prevent mold and bacteria growth.
Initial Cost: Installing a whole-house humidifier can be expensive, with costs ranging from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the size of your home and the type of system you choose.
Possible Over-Humidification: If not properly maintained, a whole-house humidifier can lead to over-humidification, creating an environment conducive to mold and bacteria growth.

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