Legal Astrology: An Overview

Legal Astrology
Legal Astrology

Legal Astrology, also known as Judicial Astrology, is a branch of astrology that deals with the application of astrological principles to legal matters. This includes using astrology to predict the outcome of court cases, to determine the best time to file a lawsuit, and to provide guidance on legal decisions.

Legal Astrology is a form of divination that uses astrological principles to predict and understand the outcome of legal matters. It is based on the belief that the planets and stars have a significant influence on human affairs and that their positions at the time of important events can provide valuable insights into the outcome of those events.

Legal astrologers use a variety of techniques to predict the outcome of court cases, including analyzing the birth charts of the parties involved, the timing of the court hearing, and the positions of the planets at the time of the hearing. They also use horary astrology, which is the practice of answering a specific question by analyzing the chart cast for the exact time the question was asked.

The use of astrology in legal matters has a long history, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Egyptians. Astrology was closely associated with the law in these cultures, and astrologers were often consulted to predict the outcome of court cases and to provide guidance on legal decisions.

In medieval Europe, astrology was also used in legal matters, and many prominent astrologers of the time were also legal experts. The use of astrology in legal matters reached its peak during the Renaissance, with famous astrologers such as Nostradamus and Michel de Notredame being consulted by royalty and other high-ranking officials on legal matters.

However, as the Age of Enlightenment progressed, the use of astrology in legal matters fell out of favor, and it was eventually discredited by the scientific community. Today, the use of astrology in legal matters is considered to be pseudoscience and is not recognized by the legal profession.

Legal Astrologers use a variety of techniques to predict the outcome of court cases, including analyzing the birth charts of the parties involved, the timing of the court hearing, and the positions of the planets at the time of the hearing.

One of the most important techniques used in legal astrology is horary astrology. This is the practice of answering a specific question by analyzing the chart cast for the exact time the question was asked. This technique is often used to predict the outcome of court cases and to provide guidance on legal decisions.

Another technique used in legal astrology is electional astrology. This is the practice of choosing the most auspicious time to file a lawsuit or to take other legal action. Astrologers use this technique to determine the best time to file a lawsuit based on the positions of the planets and the astrological chart of the person filing the lawsuit.

Legal astrologers also use natal astrology, which is the study of a person’s birth chart to gain insight into their personality, strengths, and weaknesses. This technique is used to predict how a person will behave in legal matters and to provide guidance on legal decisions.

Legal Astrology can be used in a variety of ways, including predicting the outcome of court cases, determining the best time to file a lawsuit, and providing guidance on legal decisions.

It can also be used in personal matters such as understanding one’s own legal troubles, predicting any legal matters that may come in the future, and understanding the best time to take legal action.

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